
About the Board

In accordance with our Constitution, the Athletics Alberta Board of Directors shall consist of a President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President Personnel, Vice-President Programs, Vice-President Administration, up to four (4) Directors at Large, one male and one female Athlete Representative and up to four (4) Business Directors.

Only members in good standing and who meet the eligibility criteria established in Athletics Alberta’s policies or procedures shall be eligible for election or appointment to the Board of Directors.

Board Members

President – Stuart York
Director of Programs  – Paula McKenzie
Director of Personnel – Sean Casault
Treasurer – Loretta Amerongen
Director – Deirdre Choate
Director – Derek De Gannes
Director – Christine Laverty
Director – Max Legault
Director – Corrine Timmer

Athlete Representatives

Amanda Rummery & Kai Spierenburg



Annual General Meeting


Agenda, Reports, & Financials may be found here. 


All you need for 2022’s AGM is here.






Strategic Plan

The Athletics Alberta Membership has approved the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan.

Download the Strategic Plan

Constitution & Bylaws

The name of the Society shall be “Athletics Alberta (Track and Field, Cross Country, Road Running) Association.”

The objects of the Society are:

To develop programs that will increase participation in the sport.
To provide competition at an appropriate level for all members of the Association.
To develop programs to enhance public awareness of track and field.
To provide an organizational framework throughout Alberta so that all who desire may achieve their potential in track and field.
To strive for the continual improvement in the skills and knowledge of coaches, officials and administrators.
The operations of the Society are to be chiefly carried out in the province of Alberta.

Download the Bylaws