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AHS Update February 12, 2021 – Return of Youth Sport

Update February 12

February 11, we attended a follow up meeting for the sports sector regarding the Feb 6 announcement of Step 1 and the easing of restrictions.
To reiterate and clarify what we heard in that meeting:
Indoors –
Adults: only 1:1 training. Same details as before recent announcement; distanced, masked, etc.
Age 18 and younger: indoor group training, team sport, or other max to 10 people participating – inclusive of coach or trainers; mandatory distance of 3 metres for INSIDE; coach masked; masks may be removed for kids doing high-intensity.
More than one group of 10 may use the same indoor facility (based on facility operator guidelines) AS LONG AS 3 metres is maintained between and among the groups. 
Equipment may be shared if absolutely necessary AS LONG AS hands are sanitized prior to use and the equipment is sanitized prior. Then, afterward, sanitization to hands and equipment. Same as our guidelines for equipment use. This to say, distancing of 3 metres must be adhered while using the equipment.
The concept of cohorting isn’t applicable right now. Therefore, an athlete can be in more than one group of 10. The premise is that distance is being kept.
No spectators allowed indoors. No gatherings or clusters of people. Safety of kids (rule of 2 for example) is important – the rule is to avoid clusters of people. It’s okay to have a track monitor or other to ensure safe sport.
Outdoor: up to 10 people, mandatory 2 metres apart. Same as before – masked, distanced.
We know that having adults (18 and over) restricted from group training is an issue in our sport and a source of frustration. We have been advocating for changes in this regard. At this time, we are prohibited to do more than 1:1 by AHS and our hands are tied. We will continue to advocate for our Athletes and keep you informed.


Feb 6, 2021 Communication:

Athletics Alberta is excited to see restrictions easing, allowing the return of youth sport.

Per AHS:

Mandatory restrictions – Provincewide – Effective Feb. 8

School and team sport activities

Children and youth will be allowed to participate in limited school and team sport activities.

  • Lessons, practices and conditioning activities are allowed for indoor and outdoor, team-based, minor sports/activities and school athletics.
  • Games are not allowed.
  • All participants must be 18 years old or younger, except coaches or trainers.
  • Maximum of 10 total individuals, including all coaches, trainers, and participants.
  • Physical distancing must be maintained between participants at all times:
    • 3-metres physical distance for indoor activities
    • 2-metres physical distance for outdoor activities
    • coaches or trainers may enter physical distancing space for brief interactions with participants (for example, to correct form or technique)
  • Participants must be masked at all times, except during the training activity. Coaches/trainers/etc. must remain masked at all times.
  • Access to change rooms must be limited, including accelerated arrival and departure, emergencies (for example, first aid) and washroom use.

While this is good news, we need to be diligent. Please review and adhere to the AA Guidelines while also tracking the participants in the sessions and the dates of the sessions. Be sure to send us your tracking forms or upload them on the Jotform – the Guidelines page has all the forms linked.

Also, please review the updates on our News page that have been made since November. Things are changing almost weekly so it’s imperative to be clear on what’s happening and expected.

We will be working with our facility partners to provide any support that will allow our members to return to activity.