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May 2020 Covid19 Update

Athletics Alberta’s Executive Committee has reviewed the Alberta Government’s relaunch strategy with the intent to best understand how it can be applied to our competitive and non-competitive members as we prepare for a return to activity. Before looking forward we need to re-affirm that all Athletics Alberta member club operations are still suspended and facilities remain closed across the province. 
Athletics Alberta  is currently working on a draft of the “Athletics specific” return to sport guidelines that will be applied and executed based on how we, as Albertan’s, progress through the stages of the relaunch strategy. Everyone needs to be vigilant in following the guidelines issued by the Alberta Government, the municipalities, and our facility partners to ensure we operate with the utmost levels of safety as we prepare to return to our sport.
You can view the proposed Government of Alberta relaunch strategy by clicking here
Please check back to this web-page as we will continue to update the membership with regards to a return to sport strategy.