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GRIT Athlete of the Week – Kayley Torrie – October 30, 2023

Nominated by Coach Travis Cummings, Kayley Torrie of Cochrane Endurance Project is this week’s GRIT Athlete of the Week! Kayley won the ASAA Provincial XC Championships for Junior Girls in Trochu, AB. She is a multi-sport athlete (running, soccer, ringette), plus also plays instruments in her school band. She is also a great student and humble leader.

Kayley embodies all aspects of the principles of GRIT. She is gracious, respectful, says “thank you for coaching us” to the coaching staff after every practice. She is a humble leader, multi-talented athlete, inquisitive about her sport, and has a smile on her face when she runs. Her teammates gravitate towards her personality, even if she is not aware of it. She sets a great example chasing her twin brother down at practice, and set a great tone that respects hard work, but doesn’t forget to have fun. Kayley is a great cheerleader of her teammates, and is turning into a fantastic mentor for the younger athletes still in Junior High in our club. Watching her interact with her parents and family is also inspiring, she seeks out her folks for advice, reassurance, and guidance at competition(s), and values their input in her success as an athlete.

Congratulations, Kaylee!