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Eiley Morrison – GRIT Athlete of the Week – February 26, 2024

Nominated by her coach, Ron Hewer, “Eiley is only 1 year into this sport and she has found a passion and the contagiousness of this sport to be better. That she had done by improving by 1 second in the 100m. She is very focused on what it takes to better herself. She is driven and demands herself to be the best that she can be and to challenge me as a coach. She is an amazing role model to everyone that she trains or competes with. She is a ring leader and an enthusiastic person. Grit is a great definition of her work ethic towards her training sessions. But more importantly she has found a way to embrace the joy of competition and the people that complete it. No matter it be a fellow athlete , coach , official she finds a way to embrace.”

Congratulations, Eiley!