Safe Sport Response
Athletics Alberta is committed to ensuring all of our members feel safe when participating in our sport. If you feel unsafe (physically, emotionally, mentally) the Whistleblower Policy is how you begin the process to disclose incidents of perceived wrongdoing without fear of unfair treatment or reprisal.
Athletics Alberta has vested the responsiveness of safe sport complaints to the Office of the Commissioner. Athletics Canada’s Commissioner’s Office was established to make informed decisions in the following areas of Athletics Canada operations – support program selection, representative team selection, eligibility, Athlete Agreements, and complaints of violations of the Athletics Canada’s Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy (AC Code). As a branch member, Athletics Alberta’s Code of Conduct & Ethics reflects that of Athletics Canada in its intent and interpretation.
Athletics Canada’s Commissioner’s Office Explained
Athletics Canada’s Commissioner’s Office was established to make informed decisions in the following areas of Athletics Canada operations – support program selection, representative team selection, eligibility, Athlete Agreements and complaints of violations of Athletics Canada’s Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (AC Code).
The Process
Alternative Complaint Forum
Should you wish to complain directly to the Canadian Sport Help Line, see the contact information below.
Support Services
Athletics Canada has compiled the following resources available to all Canadians in need of support.
- Canadian Centre for Mental Health & Sport
- Game Plan (Canada’s Total Athlete Wellness Program)
- Kids Help Phone
- Red Cross Community Services
- Victim Services Government of Canada
- Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP)
- First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness
- Trans Lifeline
- Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction
- Abuse-Free-Sport
Safe Sport Levy
A $5 Safe Sport Levy was passed at the 2021 Annual General Meeting. The levy is $5 per competitive athlete above U12 age category and coaches. The revenue from the levy is used to support the costs associated with the independent complaint process. We have 2 independent safe sport officers who manage the safe sport complaint process from intake to resolution. Renewals and new memberships will be required to pay this levy. The levy is mandatory for all competitive athletes U12 or older and coaches.