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Covid19 Update – May 7, 2021

Further to the May 6, 2021 enhanced restrictions AHS update, please be aware of the following taking effect Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. –

Indoor activities

  • All indoor sport, performance and recreation activities for youth and adults are prohibited.
  • Indoor fitness and recreation facilities must close, including for 1-on-1 training.


All outdoor sports and recreation activities are prohibited, except with members of your household, or your two close contacts if you live alone. This includes:

  • all group physical activities, such as team sports, fitness classes, training sessions
  • all one-on-one lessons and training activities
  • all practices, training and games

Outdoor recreation facilities can remain open unless specifically closed by public health order.


  • None allowed at this time.
  • Clubs are are asked to not solicit AHS for exemptions.


Until May 30 to start, possibly longer.