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2019 AADP & National Championship Applications – Close

[dt_fancy_title title=”AADP 2019 is open!” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”accent” separator_style=”dotted” el_width=””]

  • Alberta Athlete Development Program (AADP)
    Through direct support and assistance by the Alberta Sport Connection, Athletics Alberta is able to assist Alberta’s top athletes with their future individual training and competition expenses by awarding funding based on individual accomplishments at the Provincial and National levels as well as those performances measured against Athletics Alberta standards.

The philosophy of the program is to fund the top athletes in the province. AADP is a stepping-stone to National Carding. It is hoped that athletes receiving this funding will participate in Athletics Alberta events, such as provincial championships and take part in Athletics Alberta programs, such as Canada Summer Games.

AADP Policy – 2019 – Deadline December 31st, 2019
AADP 2019 Standards
AADP Allocation –  Available after March 15th, 2020 



  • National Championships Funding

      Through the financial assistance and support of the Alberta Sport Connection, Athletics Alberta is able to annually fund various levels of athletes to various Canadian competitions. Athletics Alberta has always maintained the need to have representation at the various championships. The policy will not apply to events in which Athletics Alberta specifically selects a team prior to the event and the team competes representing “Athletics Alberta”.This policy will outline how travel funds to athletes will be determined, and distributed, within the budget category, and the appropriate club category.

    National Funding Policy
    Funding Allocation – Available after March 15th, 2020
