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Statement on Fees re Covid19

The Board of Directors for Athletics Alberta has been meeting virtually on a regular basis to discuss Covid19-related issues that affect our membership. One such issue is membership feeand whether a shortened or nonexistent outdoor season will result in membership fee refunds. At this time, the Board of Directors has advised that any membership fees paid to date will remain as such. Refunds will not be issued at this time. It’s simply too early in the season to make this decision. The Board will reassess this topic on May 31, 2020.
At this time, clubs should continue with their respective athlete registrations. 
A reminder that membership with Athletics Alberta has the benefit of Liability Insurance and Sport Accident Insurance. Please note there is a COVID-19 exclusion on the insurance which does not protect any member should they contract the virus from activities performed as a member. Read that exclusion here: Contagion Exclusion – Markel
As always, please contact us should you have any questions.