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Our Grassroots Programs: Minilegends and R-Series

Part of Athletics Alberta’s mission as an organization is to provide grassroots programming – programming that allows children and novice athletes the chance to participate and compete in our sport. Our grassroots programs provide the groundwork and basic training for our community at large to live actively with athletics. These recreational and foundational programs, along with appropriate competitions, help build our athletics community.

We know that when children take part in the basics of athletics – running, jumping, and throwing – they receive a grounding in physical literacy that will follow them for life. Living actively is a lifestyle that, when taught early, has the ability to transcend physical ability and help develop the child in mental and emotional ways as well. For these reasons and more, we developed the Mini Legends Program. The Mini Legends Program provides educators with a series of lessons that take primary-aged school children through games, exercises, and activities all set to upbeat music. With the tag “become legendary” being used, children will find familiar ‘legends’ throughout the Mini Legends lessons in the guise of Greek archetypes; younger grades receive age appropriate programming so the fit is a natural one for these kids. To take into account Covid-19, these lessons have been filmed and are available in a virtual format. Coaches are available to help train educators and provide guidance for a successful lesson series. Zeus (the MLP Mascot) appears in the video lessons and will make appearances at events where appropriate to help market this program

The Mini Legends Program was designed to align with the R-Series which was developed primarily to get children running, which, as we know, is one of the three fundamental skills in athletics. Designed to be family-oriented, the R-Series allows families to combine their skills and ages and run as a relay team. Relay lengths are short to allow for the relative inexperience of those involved. These running races are community-based, recreational, and FUN for the whole family.