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April 3, 2020 Covid-19 Update

As the COVID-19 restrictions continue to grow, Athletics Alberta remains committed to doing our part. Our staff continue to work from home but we are available should you have any inquiries. All membership operations are still suspended and facilities remain closed across the province. We continue to encourage our membership to do you part in flattening the curve and to stay home, stay healthy, and stay engaged. 
As an update, all events in April have been cancelled or postponed. The Athletics Alberta staff and board members are currently working on scenarios to explore a late outdoor season.  Please check our website and follow our social channels to stay updated. We will assess the situation again on May 1st and provide another update on May 4th.
Events recently cancelled:
Alberta Summer Games – Moving to 2021
Athletics Canada has put together an FAQ for athletes. Take a look! COVIDFAQ