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Alberta Team Standards and Selection Criteria (All Teams)

The trial dates, selection criteria, and team standards are all available below or on the ‘ AA Teams ” page.

[dt_fancy_title title=”Trials Dates” title_size=”h3″ title_color=”custom” custom_title_color=”#1e73be”]
[dt_fancy_title title=”Tri-Prov Team” title_size=”h3″ title_color=”custom” separator_color=”custom” custom_title_color=”#1e73be”]
[dt_fancy_title title=”AB/NWT Legion Team” title_size=”h3″ title_color=”custom” custom_title_color=”#1e73be”]
[dt_fancy_title title=”Western Canada Summer Games Team” title_size=”h3″ title_color=”custom” custom_title_color=”#1e73be”]