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AHS Indoor Update for Youth – April 22, 2021

Further to yesterday’s AHS announcement, please comply with new restrictions for youth indoor sport in Calgary, Edmonton, and Fort McMurray. Any questions, please let us know.

Additional measures for Calgary, Edmonton and Fort McMurray youth in grades 7 to 12

  • All youth indoor sport and recreation activities that are not part of a school program (for example, physical education) are not permitted for grade 7 to 12 youth in the municipalities of Calgary and Fort McMurray, effective April 20, and the municipality of Edmonton, effective April 22. This includes homeschooled students.
  • These activities will be permitted again when in-person learning resumes.
  • Outdoor sport and recreation activities and 1-on-1 indoor fitness with a trainer or coach are still permitted.
  • Indoor activities may be moved outdoors, provided all safety requirements for outdoor physical activities are followed.