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GRIT Athlete of the Week – Caden Jones – February 12, 2024

Nominated by his coach, Travis Cummings, “Caden has had a pretty crazy year, he started 2023 in Cochrane. Then his family moved to New Brunswick in early spring. Caden remained in Alberta and Western Canada to finish out his Gr. 11 year in the province and to compete at Alberta Summer Games and attend the National Track & Field Championships in Langley in July. He then relocated to New Brunswick, where he started a new life and enrolled in a new school in his Gr. 12 year, not an easy thing to do for anyone can attest to having been through such an experience. Through this big transition, Caden has stuck with training with the Cochrane Endurance Project; working with the coaching staff remotely, doing mostly solo training on a measured stretch of road by his house in New Brunswick…in all weather conditions. Caden has persevered through these big changes, and had a massive fall XC season. Smashing PB’s and winning the New Brunswick HS XC and Club Championships. He also represented CEPR at National XC Champs and placed 54th in a strong U18 Boys field. He has carried this success over to the Indoor Season, running big PB’s in the 3000m and 1500m in recent weeks in Alberta and in New Brunswick. Caden will be attending University of New Brunswick in Fall 2024 and will be representing the REDS Varsity Track and XC teams.

Caden has great trust in the process of the coach-athlete relationship. He is a true student of the sport, asks great questions, and has a fiery passion for endurance athletics. Remote coaching only works if the athlete is honest, communicates in a mature and direct manner, and the athlete possesses great drive and self determination. Caden is a prime example of all of these traits. He is also the oldest of a big family and he is a great role model for his siblings; his choice to stay in New Brunswick for university rather than come back out to Alberta was partly determined by being able to be closer to family. His younger brothers and sisters are for sure big benefactors of this decision!

The resiliency and integrity this young man possesses has shown up in a big way this year and he as deserved everything he has gotten over the past year. CEPR is very proud of this young man!”

Congratulations Caden!