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Maëlle Drebert – January 8, 2024 – GRIT Athlete of the Week

Maëlle was nominated by her coach, Robyn Webster. Coach Robyn “witnessed Maëlle win her age group section at the Kinsey Verbeek Memorial Cross Country Race. As quickly as she crossed the finish line she turned around to genuinely cheer on and high five every other girl who crossed the line.”

According to Coach Robyn:

GRATITUDE: It was apparent that Maëlle was grateful to have the opportunity to compete and challenge herself in a great field of girls.
RESPECT: She demonstrated respect to all of her fellow competitors, honoring the values of fair play and sportsmanship.
INTEGRITY: Maëlle had a great run herself, but was humble and showed great leadership beyond this.
TEAMWORK: She was genuinely cheering on and celebrating her fellow female competitors as if they were teammates.

Congratulations, Maëlle!