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Ava Dyck – November 27, 2023 – GRIT Athlete of the Week

Nominated by Coach Samantha Read, Ava Dyck is this week’s GRIT Athlete of the Week!

Says Coach Samantha, “Ava is a thoughtful and driven young lady and is exceptional in many ways, not only as a sister, a student, a teammate, and as an athlete. She is focused on her goals and works very hard. Ava excels in the classroom, as a teammate and as an athlete. This past Cross Country season she helped coach the junior high athletes at her school. Her commitment to the athletes in the program helped lead them to their best showing. Ava is the ultimate team player – supportive and inspiring.

Additionally, this past school Cross Country season she dominated at her school meets, she was the Zone Champion, and she was crowned the ASAA Intermediate Girls Champion this past weekend. The above-mentioned qualities and her drive and determination highlight Ava’s GRIT.”

Congratulations, Ava!