Officials Upgrading

It is once again that time of the year that you need to submit your time cards for upgrading consideration for the fall upgrading. DEADLINE for submission is August 17! Some of you have already sent them in, so you do not have to send them in again.

The Criteria for upgrading are set by the National Officials Committee (NOC). See the document for detailed information for each level and discipline.


  1. Ensure that you have a minimum of 6 credits on your card. (if you do not have 6 credits yet, please don’t submit your card.)
  2. Take a CLEAR photo or scan of your timecard. Please ensure it is legible.
  3. Attach that photo in an email to Level 1-3 upgrading coordinator and the Chairperson for the Officials’ Committee.


    1. Ensure that you have a minimum of 18 credits on your card. If you are a level 1 already, ensure you have at least 12 credits since you have been upgraded.
    2. Ensure that you have been working for at least one year.
    3. Ensure that you have credits in ALL disciplines – track, vertical jumps, horizontal jumps, and throws.
    4. Ensure you have a level 1 and 2 mentor report completed. (If you have the other criteria, please contact the Officials Chairperson to ask for one to be scheduled) Upgrading Criteria and Forms for Levels 1-2
    5. Complete the Officials 101 and 201 online clinics.
    6. Take a CLEAR photo or scan of your timecard AND your mentor report. Please ensure it is legible.
    7. Attach these in an email to Level 1-3 upgrading coordinator and the Chairperson for the Officials’ Committee. Please wait until you have all items completed before sending in for upgrading.


    1. Ensure that you have a minimum of 16 credits on your card in the discipline you are looking to be upgraded in. At least 8 of the credits MUST be as chief or assistant chief. Take a CLEAR photo or scan of your timecard. Please ensure it is legible.
    2. Ensure that you have taken the level 3 clinic in the discipline you are upgrading.
    3. Ensure you have completed the level 3 open book exam. Return it to the Level 1-3 upgrading coordinator for marking. For those who have done the exam previously for another discipline, you do not need to retake the exam.
    4. Ensure you have an evaluation for the level you are looking to be upgraded in and that the evaluator has signed off on your upgrading. Send a scanned copy or photo of the evaluation report and attach it to the email. Please ensure it is legible.
    5. Attach these in an email to Level 1-3 upgrading coordinator and the Chairperson for the Officials’ Committee. Please wait until you have all items completed before sending in for upgrading.


Upgradings are done by the National Officials Committee (NOC) who also schedule the evaluations for each discipline on a National basis. Please contact the Officials’ Committee Chairperson or the National Upgrading Coordinator for details or more information.

If you have any questions, please contact the Chair ([email protected]) as soon as possible. Thank you and hope to see you around the track!