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Updated Feb 2, 2021 – Easing of Restrictions Starts Feb 8, 2021 with AHS’s New Plan

Starting Feb 8, 2021, AHS’s new plan will guide easing of health measures:

  • Easing of provincewide health measures will occur in steps based on COVID-19 hospitalization benchmarks.
  • These steps and benchmarks will provide a transparent approach to easing restrictions for businesses and individuals while protecting the health-care system.
  • Each step has an associated benchmark of hospitalized COVID-19 patients, including intensive care patients. Changes to restrictions will be considered once a benchmark is reached.

Click here to review new planWith hospitalizations dipping below 600, Alberta will move to Step 1 on February 8, 2021.

Click here for more…

Given this, we will have the ability to train on a 1:1 ratio, coach/trainer to athlete, starting Feb 8, 2021 at indoor facilities. It is imperative that a track monitor or other person be on hand for Safe Sport purposes, at a distance of at least 3 metres, from those training in the 1:1 manner. At this time we are unsure which facilities across our province will be opening to allow for this kind of training. We suggest connecting with your preferred facility or your municipality to determine if your facility is open.
All other previous restrictions are still in place (maximum of 10 persons outdoors, distanced, etc).