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Updated Nov 30, 2020 – Announcement re AHS Enhanced Restrictions Nov 24, 2020

Update Sunday, Nov 30, 2020

Saturday new guidelines were released from AHS that allow groups of 10 persons or less to be training outside in a group. So, while initially this wasn’t allowed, now, it is. What does this mean for our sport? It means a coach plus 9 athletes can train outside distanced but in a group.


Announcement re AHS Enhanced Restrictions Nov 24, 2020

The Alberta Health Services restrictions that were handed down this week have left us feeling perhaps personally frustrated and weary. Covid19 has certainly reared its ugly head again and so we are regrouping and settling in for another long haul.

As your provincial sporting organization, we take each of the AHS announcements regarding restrictions and review them from the various angles of our sport: facilities, clubs, high performance athletes, coaches, officials, littles, jurisdictions, and on and on. This is complex and we take our time to review the best outcome for all, most importantly, our athletes.

What we know and advise right now:

  1. Group training or practicing is prohibited provincially.
  2. One-on-one training is permitted provincially.
  3. Most of the facilities we use to train and practice are closed, with few exceptions. Check with your local facilities for any restrictions that need to be considered.
  4. Social gatherings can happen outside to a maximum of 10 persons. This isn’t license for groups to train together. It is, though, a restriction that permits gatherings of 10 or less people to be together outside, distanced and not for the purpose of sport training. (ie. a few friends gathering to go for an outdoor distanced run at the same time would be permitted but only if they weren’t doing so as part of a sport club or sport training group.)
  5. Some of the provincial enhanced restrictions may not apply to you if you live outside of the hot zones. AHS has a map for reference.
  6. If you fail to adhere to the new enhanced restrictions, you may receive a fine. Athletics Alberta is not responsible for any fines that may be issued.

Our ask:

  1. Do the right thing and adhere to these restrictions. This could be a short-lived lockdown, all things considered, if we all focus on the long game. It’s difficult and necessary.
  2. PLEASE DO NOT apply for an exemption.  Athletics in Alberta, has applied on behalf of our athletes and clubs for an exemption to these enhanced restrictions. We will keep you posted and also know this kind of application can take weeks to be acknowledged. When many groups apply for exemptions, it slows down the process by cluttering the queue unnecessarily. Let us do this work for you; that’s what we’re here for and we are working tirelessly to make things work for our athletes. At this time we have requested an exemption for our athletes that are 18 years of age and older. It is unlikely an exemption will be granted for younger athletes at this time so we are asking for what is possible. We know this isn’t ideal and ask for your trust as we work with AHS and this situation. 

On behalf of your Athletics Alberta staff, please know we have your backs on this. We know it’s upsetting and disappointing. We’re working for you and will do what we can to keep our athletes training and practicing. As always, please send an email to [email protected] with any questions. Stay well!