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2016 Western Canadian Tri-Prov Team Announcement

Congratulations to everyone announced to the Alberta Athletics 2016 Western Canadian Tri-Prov Team.  Event Coaches are hard at work determining the event placement and schedule for all of you, and should be in contact(via email) with you about your events over the next 2 weeks, please be patient.

Also please note, alternates are still being selected to the team and the deadline for alternates to be names is July 8th, 2016.

TEAM FEE PAYMENT – Must be completed in the next 48 hours, if you have not paid yet please click here to pay via credit card.

Your Coaches and Chaperones are:

Head Coach: Dwight Francis

Event Coaches
Ron Thompson
Esther Sieben
Antoine Bossumo
Nathan Lennie
Chelcie Kucharchuk
Karl Meisner
Amy Millar
Sean Freeman
Dallas Kendrick

Team Manager:  Ciera Heshka-Wolf & Carrie Saunders

Chaperones:  Shari Boyle, Dan Lauzon, Stewart York, 1 more Female Chaperone to added.