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2016 Provincial Hosting Bids Now Open

Athletics Alberta would like to invite clubs and organizations to bid on its annual Track & Field and Cross Country championships for the upcoming 2016 season.  The attached document states the terms of bidding and hosting a provincial championship and what is expected of the host organizing committee as well as what support is provided by Athletics Alberta.

Please keep bids to a maximum of two pages and submit to via fax or email to Athletics Alberta Attn: Technical Manager.


Please click here to download the 2016 Alberta Provincial Championships Bid Selection Guide:

  • One electronic copy of the Alberta Championships proposal must arrive to the Athletics Alberta Provincial Office no later than January 7th , 2015.

Please click here to download the 2016 Alberta Provincial Cross Country Championships Bid Selection Guide:

  • One electronic copy of the Alberta Championships proposal must arrive to the Athletics Alberta Provincial Office no later than April 30th, 2016.

If you wish to host a provincial championships here is what to include in your bid application:

  1. Please specify the championship you wish to host, age categories to be offered, suggested date or range of dates, and the location where the championships will be held.
  2. The key people involved in the bid, and their roles within the event. If the person is new to the Athletics Alberta scene a brief bio would be appreciated.
  3. The legal name, address, web page address, telephone and fax numbers of the organization bidding for the Alberta Provincial Championships.
  4. The scope and vision of the event; any relevant information to hosting the championship such as prizing, surrounding events, atmosphere, etc. can be included. This section is where the bidding organization pitches itself.
  5. Name of other organization(s), if any that will conduct or assist in the hosting of the event (i.e. XXX Tourism Office, University of XXX, etc.) Explain the relationships and responsibilities of any additional organization(s).

If you have any questions please forward them to the Alberta Atheltics Technical Manager, Bradly Babiak – [email protected], or [email protected].